Fresh For Life Organics
 Call us: Genie (630) 567-0104
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What's growing in our fields...
We grow a variety of organic fruits, vegetables and mushrooms starting with asparagus and rhubarb in early June to squashes and root vegetables into the fall:

Asparagus, new potatoes, carrots, cabbage, lettuce, mesclun mix, spring onions, garlic scapes and greens – kale, mustard, and spinach.

Eggplant, hot and sweet peppers, cherry and slicing tomatoes (including heirlooms), tomatillos, beans, summer squash, basil, onions, and cucumbers.

Lettuce, mesclun mix, spinach, winter squash, bok choy, cabbage, broccoli, onions, potatoes, greens, and garlic.

It’s the Central Sands of Wisconsin so we are growing cover crops to preserve nutrients and help build soil.

​How to get our Vegetables...
Our in-season vegetables are available to our CSA members at our farm during our member farm picnics and dinners or to the public during our special farm events.

To visit our farm See the Map below.

The Metoyer-Brown Farm
 Fresh for Life Organics

W 12085 Czech Avenue
Richford, Wisconsin  54930