Fresh For Life Organics
 Call us: Genie (630) 567-0104
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Genie Metoyer
Farm Owner, Cooking Instructor, Certified in Plant-based Nutrition
Plant-Based Nutrition
Fresh For Life Organics believes in the many health and environmental benefits of plant-based food choices.  Our Plant-based dinners, healthy eating cooking presentations, and farm events will help you get on the path to this health promoting and environmentally friendly way of life.  

Nutrition & Cooking  Presentations

For people who enjoy food and want to improve their health while living a more sustainable life.  Learn to prepare delicious, nutritious and filling meals.  No pills, powders or shakes.  Just real food! 

Presentation topics include:

Positive Health Aspects of a plant-based diet
Getting Started and Making it Work
Sustainability of our Food Choices
Animal Agriculture and the Climate

All presentations are complete with cooking demonstrations and a plant-based meal.

Minimum Group of 25 people

Contact us for smaller groups (less than 25) or larger groups (more than 50) for special pricing options.
Plant-based Events

If you are looking for an outing for your group (annual meeting, summer picnic, social) contact us to plan an event on our Farm.
The most powerful tool for your health and the environment is your fork!
 A whole food plant-based diet can:

"Prevent cancer, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, macular degeneration, migraines, erectile dysfunction, arthritis - and that's the short list!" - Dr. Neal Barnard

Get you to your ideal weight in a healthy and sustainable fashion.

Increase your Energy level

Lower your environmental Footprint

Move you to a more Sustainable lifestyle.

Protect our Water quantity and quality.

Reduce Animal Agriculture and preserve wildlife

And so much more!